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Because steroids work as immunosuppressants, they can also treat joint pain associated with certain autoimmune diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis (4).

While steroid administration may help relieve pain from arthritis or back problems, it may be more toxic, cause other side effects, or cause a “false negative” effect in some men who are taking other medications, according to a study that was published in the journal Cancer Research on December 8, 2015.

According to the article’s lead author, Jennifer A. Fuchs, MD, an associate clinical professor of medicine at the University of Toronto (Canada), these anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant actions are due to steroid-induced “hyperplasia.” Hyperplasia is a rare genetic condition that can lead to a broad range of problems.

“In this case the hyperplasia seems to be due to an autoimmune response,” Dr Fuchs said, “specifically an antigen-mediated mechanism that is driven by steroids in the body.”

How an Epidemologist Diagnoses a Rare Disease

A diagnosis of hyperplasia is made by examining the person with disease and conducting a complete physical exam. It’s the doctor’s duty to identify any abnormal growth that is present within the cartilage structure of the knee.

“It’s critical that we’re examining the structure of the cartilage in relation to the normal structural and biochemical development in the surrounding tissues,” said Dr Fuchs. “A high-tech, high-resolution imaging study can then show exactly how this structure is related to disease progression.”

In hyperplasia of the knee, there are abnormal fibrous growths around the bone and surrounding cartilage of the knee. They may be nodules or large masses of growth in these areas.

A definitive diagnosis of hyperplasia involves comparing cartilage growth to normal. “If cartilage in a certain region is abnormally larger than norm, it can be diagnosed for hyperplasia by examining this growth with high-tech, computerized X-ray technology,” said Dr Fuchs.

The diagnosis of hyperplasia is confirmed by a biopsy of cartilage that provides a more detailed picture of that structure. This method is used in more than 300,000 cases annually, according to the article.

While most men with hyperplasia may lose the symptoms associated with hyperplasia due to the removal of the growths, most patients do experience other changes in their knee joints, Dr Fuchs said.

“The biggest changes in the knee occur within the quadriceps tendon and the anterior tibialis,” she said,

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